Tuesday 15 November 2011

Suddenly Delirious

I can't explain when it happened but at some point today I rapidly went from having a ton of energy to just needing a nap. A presentation that went well this morning left me feeling great and ready to seize the day but after a few hours of grocery shopping and cleaning the apartment, I have collapsed on the couch and suddenly feel very drained.

It's incredibly tempting to just close my eyes and drift off for a few hours but I know if I do that I will feel like I forfeited a good portion of a nice day because of a fleeting low-energy state. Fortunately, one of the things I have left to do today will help. I need to hit the gym and run for 30 minutes or so. If I don't, I will stiffen up overnight and be locomotively challenged all day tomorrow. This is due to the fact that I went slightly overboard yesterday setting a new personal best distance for one hour of treadmill running.

Since I got back from the Yukon I have really come to enjoy the time I spend running. It's fun and challenging and easy to keep track of whether or not I'm getting any better. Also, ever since I completely adopted barefoot-style running I haven't had to worry about any serious injury. 

With the temperature falling and the weather getting generally worse on the west coast I have been forced to seek refuge with the other fitness enthusiasts in the gym complex on campus. Its great having an apartment that is a 30 second walk from the fitness centre so I have been taking full advantage. Even the treadmills are a good time. They face the football field so you get the feeling of being outside without having to worry about contracting pneumonia or frost bite on your toes.

That being said, I think I will cut this entry off at the nice, manageable length that it is and go zen out for a half hour while getting in shape. Consider the take-home message from this post to be that the days when you feel least like exercising are the ones when you not only need it more to stay motivated in the long run, but will also let you reap immediate energy-boosting benefits.



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